.:S:. Stance Poses & Props

Welcome To .:S:. Stance Poses & Props!

My name is Catriona Dagger and I'm the owner of .:S:. Stance Poses & Props.

Currently I am located in the Pomoona sim.  You can click HERE to come visit.

.:S:. Stance prides itself on its excellent quality at affordable prices.  We strive to be the best in the business.  We believe in giving the best possible customer service possible.

We are partnered with Essential Soul Studio.  This means that all over our poses and props are converted to be used in the Essential Soul X-poser Stand.  We include a separate box in each package with these converted poses in it.  You can visit Essential Soul Studio HERE.

Be sure to join our regular group or subscription service, as well as our VIP Group.  The VIP group receives all sorts of bonus poses and discounts not found in the store.  Information about this group can be found in .:S:. Stance.

I look forward to serving your needs to the best of my ability.  Please take the time to go through this site to see what we have to offer.
